Officiating at meets is a great way to contribute to the AZLMSC community! We can always use more officials at our meets, and we can’t have them at all without officials.

Accommodations can be made for officials who also want to race!  Talk with the Meet Referee.

Already an official and want to become more involved? Contact our Officials Chair, [cgv officials_chair]

Looking for meets to officiate at? Check out our current events and contact the meet referee listed, or contact our Officials Chair, [cgv officials_chair]

All the information you need to become a USMS Official will be at USMS Officials Certification Program. The process is easy, with no fees (and psssttt its an open book test). If you are already a USA, YMCA, NCAA, or NFHS official and are currently certified, there is a simplified path.

Stroke and Turn Official

The first step is to become a Stroke and Turn Official. Their role is to make sure swimmers are in compliance with the rules for the stroke. They are also responsible for observing the starts, finishes, and turns during each race.

All the training videos, links to tests and instructions are located at the USMS Officials Certification Program under “Stroke and Turn Official”.

  • Review the training videos for Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, IM and Relays.
  • Be sure and get the current USA Swimming Rule Book, and the USMS Masters Swimming Rule Book which is helpful to reference for the open book online tests
  • Take and pass the “Certification – Stroke & Turn/Timer” online test.
  • Take and pass the “USMS Officials Supplemental exam” online test.
  • The AZLMSC Officials Chair, [cgv officials_chair], will email you to schedule on-deck training
  • NOTE Certification is good for four years


Becoming a Starter expands your possible role at a meet. They make sure that all swimmers receive a fair and equitable start. All the requirements, training videos, links to tests and instructions are located at the USMS Officials Certification Program under “Starter”.

  • Review the video
  • Take and pass the “Certification – Starter” online test.
  • NOTE: Certification as a Starter automatically renews your certification as a Stroke & Turn Official.
  • NOTE Certification is good for four years


The Referee has the overall authority and responsibility for seeing that the competition complies with all of the appropriate rules and regulations.

To become a Referee you must previously be certified by USMS as a Stroke & Turn and Starter, and be a USMS member. All the requirements, training videos, links to tests and instructions are located at the USMS Officials Certification Program under “Referee”.

  • Review and study the USMS Referee Self-Training Guide
  • Take and pass the tests
  • Work with your LMSC Officials Chair for minimum 2 mentored Referee deck sessions at USMS meets.
  • NOTE: Certification as a Referee automatically renews your certification as Stroke & Turn and Starter.
  • NOTE Certification is good for four years


Certification for all officials expires on December 31st of the 4th year of certification. For details on recertifying, see USMS Officials Certification Program under “Re-certification”.

It is helpful to keep track of your meet sessions worked, as there are different requirements for recertification depending on how many meets you have worked.